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Read online book Routledge Studies in Environmental Policy: The European Union in International Climate Change Negotiations by Stavros Afionis PDF, DOC, EPUB


The EU has been portrayed as a leader in international climate change negotiations. Its role in the development of the climate change regime, as well as the adoption of novel policy instruments like the EU Emissions Trading Scheme in 2005, are frequently put forward as indicative of a determination to push the international climate agenda forward. However, there are numerous instances where the EU has failed to achieve its climate change objectives (e.g. the 2009 Copenhagen Conference of the Parties). It is therefore important to examine the reasons behind these failures. This book explores in detail the involvement of the EU in international climate talks from the late 1980s to the present, focusing in particular on the negotiations leading up to Copenhagen. This conference witnessed the demise of the top-down approach in climate change policy and dealt a serious blow to the EU's leadership ambitions. This book explores the extent to which negotiation theory could help with better comprehending the obstacles that prevented the EU from getting more out of the climate negotiation process. It is argued that looking at the role played by problematic strategic planning could prove highly instructive in light of the Paris Agreement. This broad historical perspective of the EU's negotiations in international climate policy is an important resource to scholars of environmental and European politics, policy, law and governance., This book explores in detail the involvement of the European Union (EU) in international climate negotiations from 1986 to present. The EU has been a leading force in the development of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) regime and had it not been for the EU, it is likely that Kyoto Protocol targets would have been less ambitious and that the Protocol itself would have never been ratified. The EU has also gone a long way in putting into place a number of policy instruments that will enable it to implement the ambitious emissions reductions targets to which it has subscribed. Positive as all these steps may appear, there have been a good number of instances in the past where the EU has failed markedly to achieve its climate change objectives (e.g. the 2009 Copenhagen Conference of the Parties). Understanding the reasons behind these failures is important, as it can allow the EU to improve on its shortcomings in future negotiation settings. This book therefore is not so much about the EU as a leader in international climate politics, as it is about the EU as a negotiator. The two are not the same, even though these terms are often conflated. While the EU's leadership role has been largely acknowledged, this is the first book to offer a comprehensive discussion of the evolving role of the EU as a negotiator. To enhance our understanding of the shortcomings of the Union as an international climate negotiator, this book engages with a different corpus of literature; that on negotiation theory. Through means of a detailed analysis of EU participation in multilateral climate negotiations, it is argued that looking at the role played by problematic strategic planning could prove highly instructive. This broad historical perspective of the EU's negotiations in international climate policy is an invaluable resource to scholars or environmental and European politics, policy, law and governance.

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